I am still learning

–Michelangelo, age 87


The goal of life is to grow

–E. E. Cummings
from poem 16 in 95 Poems.

Learning is creation, not consumption.

Knowledge is not something a learner absorbs,

But something a learner creates.

–George Couros, author of The Innovator’s Mindset

Decendo discimus

(I teach; we learn)

–Seneca the Younger, based on Moral Letters to Lucilius, Book 1, letter 7

This site is dedicated to life-long learning. Unlike your other possessions, what you learn cannot be stolen by enemies, nor destroyed by storm, nor devalued by time.

On the other hand, what you learn can be used to create things of value. You can’t take it with you, but what you create you leave behind as a measure of your value to yourself, your family, and even humanity.

Walter Goralski