Classical and Military Studies


A New Reconstruction of Heraclea – Pyrrhus meets Rome” in Ancient Warfare XIII-1

I might not write a lot, but what I do usually gets the cover (and in this case the “centerfold” illustration). I also have a more academic version of this article with complete footnotes.


“Arrian’s Events After Alexander: Summary of Photius and Selected Fragments” in Ancient World 19, 1989, pp 81-108.

This cover story was my first publication on classical and military history. James Romm wanted to use it in his The Complete Arrian collection, but my lack of academic credentials doomed this. But the interest got me writing again.

Many thanks to Ares Publishers and their excellent Ancient World journal for permission to allow downloads of my article.

Read the full article here, and an unpublished excerpt here.


Pyrrhus of Epirus” in Military History magazine Personality piece, Mar/Apr 1993.

My first exploration of Pyrrhus that led directly to my reconsideration of the Battle of Heraclea and the idea of the “open battlefield.”

Walter Goralski