Technical Books


The Illustrated Network, 2nd Edition  MK-Elsevier, 2017

textbook with downloadable packet captures on GitHub…first edition was my first tech “best-seller”

Read an excerpt here.



Routing Policy and Protocols for Multivender IP Networks Wiley & Sons, 2002

“nails the issues”- Amazon…my agent at Juniper said “This book was 10 years ahead of its time.”



SONET/SDH, 3nd Edition McGraw-Hill, 2002

“The standard work on the topic…” – Jeff Doyle. My first techie best-seller.


The Complete IS-IS Protocol, with Hannes Gredler Elsevier, 2004

Hannes is the genius: I’m only the writer.




Introduction to ATM Networking McGraw-Hill Computer Communications Theory, 1995

The book that showed me I could do this. Steve Elliot told me that this was the 7th all-time best-selling book at McGraw-Hill at one point.



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Walter Goralski